Blow the candles out, Make a wish

Birthdays are great because on the one hand is a brilliant excuse to get your way, get drunk and get presents, But on the other hand its a time for reflection, "new year" resolutions and getting older.

Well, its my birthday tomorrow and I will admit i am having some mixed feelings about getting older.

I thought at 28 I would be alot more sorted out, i would be more settled, , have alot more cash.....
30 is staring straight at me (and winking) , im seeing little wrinkles (i like to call them smile lines), I cant just eat anything i want and my biological clock alarm is starting to go off every now and then (Damn, off button just isnt working anymore).

Having said all that i still know if a magical fairy popped up today and said she could take me back to 21 again I would have to refuse.

For all the flaws that come with age, I have found there are even more blessings.
I am much wiser, far more comfortable with myself, I look after myself more, i have found real love (far better than the whimsical infatuations of my youth), I have more independence, I am taken more seriously and I am very happy....

and I guess that is really the best birthday present a girl can ask for (ok, that and a pretty diamond ring..ha ha ha).
When i blow out my candles this year I only have one wish..that things keep getting better with age (ok fine, I have two - that i get very very drunk at my party...yipppee!!!).

1 comment

  1. Happy belated birthday for you :p Best of the best for you!


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