Lazy days

I had a lazy weekend and thankfully only left the flat once. The current chilly weather is a great excuse to stay indoors. Sometimes Its fantastic to just shuffle around in comfy clothes, lounge and eat food.

My mom came to visit me and she brought multi-coloured roses. Theres nothing like a great bunch of flowers to perk up a gloomy day. She also brought my middle sister and Trouble (AKA my nephew). We all watched Finding Nemo.

On our mission to save pennies the boyf and I are trying to lie low and not do anything that requires extra money (like driving, eating out, clubbing etc etc) We are meant to be saving for our August trip. Even though we did nothing much at all, the weekend sadly raced by.

"There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do." ~Bill Watterson

(The stunning images are from the movie "Marie Antoinette")

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