Some notes

Today I feel good - tomorrow is Friday (and the start to a long weekend), the sun is shining, some sweet girl offered to buy a chocolate because she said i was being nice and I like the way I did my eye make-up this morning *winks *

Last night I went for a another jog ( i know, I'm astounded that I managed it too). It was a rather short and I walked alot more than I should have, but I think it still qualifies as a proper jog.

By now, I'm sure alot of you have noticed my previous post (entitled "beach swim"). For those of you who are curious, that post is an extract from the book I am writing (well, trying to ).  I have decided (after a suggestion from The Boyf) to occassionally share some of my creative writing with you :)
How are you today?


  1. I am feeling totally knackered. went to see kelly clarkson and then partied in long street after.
    apart from that i am also really happy tomorrow is friday. and i really enjoyed your writing! good luck for the rest!

  2. Doing well! Thanks for asking, you're such a bright and sunny person! I love it!

  3. Have a horrible head cold - totally under the weather.

  4. I have a cold, still on bedrest, it's in the high 70's and I can't go outside. I've been better. lol!

  5. I'm awesome. I went to the Kelly Clarkson show on Wednesday (pics up on my blog). Love the idea of you sharing some of your writing pieces with us.


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