10 things I learnt this weekend

1. My shoe collection currently has a shortage of pretty, dress-up heels. I must get some soon (love the ones in the above pic, but have no idea who makes them)
2. If you need to buy alcohol and all the bottle stores in Cape Town are closed, you can go to Brewers & Union (on Bree Street) to buy takeaway beer and wine.
3. A whole bottle of wine makes me super talkative and very unaware of the time
4. I seem to be favouring meat-free dishes lately
5. Sometimes 1950's Jazz music can save the day
6. No matter how many times I watch A Walk to Remember I always cry at least once during the film (its just such a bittersweet, romantic story ) 
7.  I am definitely improving at squash
8. I'm warming to the idea of a personal number plate (cheesey, i know).
9.  Watching the film Vampires suck is a waste of time
10. This is so true: "I am a big believer that eventually everything comes back to you. You get back what you give out." - Nancy Reagan

What did you learn this weekend?


  1. I am horribly uncomfortable and awkward looking in heels, but boy oh boy those are worth being uncomfortable for.

  2. Those shoes are fantastic:)


  3. Love and stuff - me too. I struggle in killer heels, but im working on it. Practice makes perfect, right? x

    Princess V - agreed:)

  4. those heels are gorgeous! I'd love a pair. They look like ALDO

  5. love those shoes!
    I always cry during A Walk To Remember, especially the wedding scene when Only Hope plays. Tissues!

  6. No judging on A walk to Remember.. I always cry secretly:) but personalised numberplating...lol

  7. Artist@heart - hahaha. I know, so cheesey. I sometimes just like the idea of having a cute word on my number plate ;)

  8. No mention of my place, lame!

  9. I can't watch that movie either without crying! It's too sad! 50's jazz rules!! I need to get some new heels too! =)

    I learned that you have to find some moment to relax! =)

  10. I saw the preview for Vampires Suck and thought seriously? Someone wrote that and spent money on it?

    Meat and I are not good friends anymore either. Although I am still a carni...just not as often.

  11. What would your numberplate say? :-)

    Those shoes are awesome!

  12. Those are some SERIOUSLY cute heels!


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