A change can be as good as a holiday...

The other day I went for a health assessment and found out that my cholesterol is super high (which is bad). Since I am not over weight and I am not very old , this news came as a bit of a surprise to me - but as it turns out your size is not an indication of high or low cholesterol (who knew?). You see the issue seems to be that while I may have been given good genes, I have also managed to acquire an uncontrollable junk food addiction and a tendency to procrastinate exercising *sigh*

Anyways, in short, I have been told that I must get my cholesterol down and change my "lifestyle" (which means saying good-bye to copious amounts of chocolate and investing in some cute, new exercise clothes) - So that, darlings, is what I am going to try doing (wish me luck).  Here is the list of general lifestyle change guidelines the nurse gave to me (click image to enlarge):

Notes: You can get a health assessment done for you by your doctor or at a clinic. I went for my health assessment at Wellness Warehouse on Kloof street. It cost either R120 or R95 (if you have Discovery) and takes about 30 minutes. Oh, and its best not eat for at least 6 hours before you go for blood tests.

Are you making any changes at the moment?


  1. Especially avoid mayonaisse and biscuits.

  2. Anonymous - but what about healthy biscuits? ;)

    A daft scots lass - thank you, I will.

  3. Very intersting post thanks. Always worried about my blood pressure but never thought about cholesterol...

    Can I print your list and use it too?

    Good luck!

  4. Farm girl - of course you can - and you should. Good guidlines for everyone :)

  5. Thank you!
    The list is on my fridge.

  6. My dad is an exercise freak and well built for his age, and he also recently found out he has super high cholesterol. He now goes for regular checkups, but unfortunately nothing will curb his ginormous sweet tooth. He still eats about a chocolate a day :)

    Good luck with the healthy eating!

  7. Ooooh that reminds me. I need cute exercise clothes. Refuse to give up the chocolate though. You'll have to pry the chocolate from my dead hands.

    Good genes? Soooo ... you're not bulimic??? Anorexic???

  8. Bit of a downer about the cholesterol...but catching it early means you can take care of it before it becomes a hassle. I found out a few years back that I am borderline high, so made some lifestyle changes...oats porridge for breakfast almost every day, lots of blueberries, low-fat dairy products and I try to walk at least 5 km every day. If I could just get over my chocolate addiction...
    Good luck :-)

  9. if only it was that simple*** I'm currently trying to making my portions smaller. AND it works really... I don't feel that bloated anymore. But twice a week I spoil myself going to a coffee shop like Mila's in Stellenbosch and eat something for my sweet tooth:P

  10. it's great that we can get a wake-up call every now and then! We all try to live healthy and think that, because we're not over weight, we're fine. thanks for the post! maybe it's time I check my health status out. you never know...

    My advice to you: invest in a steamer! The boyf might not love it, but i cannot live without mine!!

  11. Love and stuff - thank you :)

    Sid - bwhahaha.

    Nat - good luck kicking that chococlate addiction. Its going to take alot of heard work for me to kick mine.

    Anonymous - Yes, if only it was simple :) I think allowing yourself "cheat days"is always a good idea.

    Jemma - Thanks for the advice. I think i will keep an eye out for a steamer :)

  12. Ah, what a sneaky thing cholesterol is!

    I'm sure it will be down in no time!


  13. Well im wishing you a happy Thirsday and a long weekend just in time to start the new page! Love the bicycle image!

  14. It seems more common these days (although maybe we're just better at diagnosing it?) - two of my best girl friends are in their mid-20s and have high cholesterol. I keep meaning to do a health check and get TSC to do one too. Thanks for the reminder!

  15. I am basically following those and have been for about 2 years. I have lost, very slowly about 12 kg. My cholesterol is great. Did they actually check if you might not have hereditary high cholesterol? Because then just eating right does not help much. Did she tell you about oats? Turns out oats can actually lower you cholesterol. So have some every day.

  16. Just to let you know - my boyfriend went for a cholesterol test for his insurance - Nobody told him to fast before the test and when the results came back, he had a frantic call from his GP saying he is very close to having a heart attack and will need to be put on medication to control it.We found this very strange as he is not overweight, old (only 29 years old) or unhealthy. He decided to go for another test and this time he fasted for 12 hours before the test - it came back & his cholesterol was perfect - so just a warning that these tests are not always that accurate - but giving up refined sugar and fatty foods is good thing regardless :)

  17. Ditto - was told I have very high cholesterol last year. Seeing a dietician now- best move ever! Red meat is the big culprit: I have red meat once a week only, if that. But, as Cat says, if it's in the family genes, eating the right food alone won't do anything. Good Luck!
    (oh, one more thing. Cholesterol has been linked to Dementia in later years. Clogging of the arteries in the brain. Nothing like some sound medical advice to get you exercising!!) :)

  18. 5 fruit or vegetable portions a DAY? I don't eat 5 portions of anything a day. lol!

    Good luck with the cholestrol diet!


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